Airline Bike Park Full Lap / Odd-Days

Dixie, North Carolina
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Airline Bike Park Full Lap / Odd-Days is located in Dixie, North Carolina and covers 3.71 miles.
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This trail has not been apart of any season.
Kitty Hawk will have roots, rocks, and sharper turns. KH is mostly even terrain with some rollers and berms spread out. After halfway through KH, you'll need to turn left onto the Co-Pilot trail that will take you around the park back to the main fire lane and right in front of the entrance to Auto-Pilot. Co-Pilot is a step up in flowy but will still have a number of rocks, technical lines, and a few bonks, drops, and berms. Lastly, Auto-Pilot is where the gold is located. Trails are way more flowy and free from large rocks. There will still be your occasional large root. Ending at the main fire lane gives you the ability to ride straight back up to the entrance of Auto-Pilot.. you know you want to.
Start Point
Start at Kitty Hawk (one way trail) by the main parking loop.
End Point
End at the Exit (odd days) of Auto-Pilot