Desciptive values
Do not affect the tune
Give your tune a name! This will be used as the Custom Shaping name in apps like Float Control.
High brid
Help others understand what type of feel this tune will give your board.
Wanna get away? Perfect tune if you enjoy doing spins and tricks on smooth pavement, shredding your local shitty sidewalks, or even if you want to go power through a rough flatland trail, this tune is for you!! Not too tippy, not too stiff. Nose up uphill, nose in a comfy spot on the way down. I’m likely not totally done with this tune but so far it’s basically what I always wished Delirium could be. Pretty satisfied with it for a first tune.
Angle P
Angle P (Proportional)
Determines how strong the board responds to a difference in Board Angle vs. Setpoint Angle (i.e. nose below setpoint will accelerate, nose above setpoint will brake).
Recommended Values: 10 - 35 (Take caution closer to 35!)
*Note: Angle P and Rate P work together to shape a large part of the ride feel. If trying to soften the effects of both and you would like to maintain the ride feel, these values should be adjusted together by the same proportion (i.e. If reducing Angle P by half, such as from 20 -> 10, Rate P should be reduced by half as well, such as from 0.6 -> 0.3).
Rate P
Rate P (Proportional) value
Determines how strong the board responds to the nose's angular velocity, regardless of setpoint (i.e. pushing nose down will accelerate, pulling nose up will brake).
Most noticeable in quick/aggressive manuevers, as well as scenarios where Angle P is not effective. For example, coming from hard braking (nose high above setpoint), Rate P will allow the board to begin to accelerate the moment you start pushing the nose down, before the nose is even below setpoint.
For our use case, while Rate P is a Proportional value, we utilize it practically as the D (Derivative) component for our PID loop, working as a damper for the Angle P component.
Recommended Values: 0.1 - 0.6
(0.7 - 1.2+ is possible, may experience negative side effects)
*Note: Angle P and Rate P work together to shape a large part of the ride feel. If trying to soften the effects of both and you would like to maintain the ride feel, these values should be adjusted together by the same proportion (i.e. If reducing Angle P by half, such as from 20 -> 10, Rate P should be reduced by half as well, such as from 0.6 -> 0.3).
Angle I
Angle I (Integral) value
As time passes with the board angle away from setpoint (considered "error"), Angle I will strengthen the board response based on cumulative error over time. Can be a subtle effect, and has most noticeable effect at the start of uphills/downhills, as well as tricks involving motor freespin.
Recommended Values: 0.005 - 0.08 (Caution with higher values!!)
Mahony KP
KP value for Mahony IMU Filter
Decides how heavily the accelerometer is used in "estimating" IMU data. For our purpose, this filter is a bit abused in order to achieve desirable ride behavior.
In practice, increasing this value will loosen up the board, specifically in the center of the board and in how quickly it rebounds to level. If you want a snappier board, drop this down a bit. If you want things a bit looser, with increased board angle control, bump it up a notch or two.
Recommended Values: 1.5 - 2.5 (Caution with higher values!!)
*Note: If your set Mahony KP in "App CFG -> IMU" does not match this value, this value will take priority and writing the Float Config will overwrite this value into your App CFG.
I Term Limit
I Term Limiter (Limit Integral Amps)
Limits the amount of current the I component of PID is allowed to accumulate over time. This limits the max response in scenarios with extreme error, such as inclines/declines, as well as freespin tricks, curb nudges, etc. that may overshoot on the landing otherwise.
Recommended Value: 20A - 30A
*Note: 0 = Disabled (Not Recommended)
Brake Scaling
Angle P (Braking)
Scales your Angle P value for braking. For example, if:
Angle P = 20,
Angle P (Braking) = 0.5x,
then your brakes will use an Angle P of 10, half the strength of your acceleration Angle P.
Rate P (Braking)
Scales your Rate P value for braking. For example, if:
Rate P = 0.6,
Rate P (Braking) = 0.5x,
then your brakes will use a Rate P of 0.3, half the strength of your acceleration Rate P.
Booster (Acceleration)
Start Angle
Angle (+/-) from which onward booster current is applied when accelerating, in relation to the setpoint.
*NOTE: Based on True Pitch (uses Mahony KP 0.2), rather than Pitch filtered by your set Mahony KP (likely heavily filtered and inaccurate).
Ramp Up
Degrees over which booster will ramp from 0A to the configured Current when accelerating, starting at Start Angle (i.e. Start Angle of 8° and Ramp Up of 4° means Booster will begin at 8° nose down and strengthen to max current as the board angle approaches 12° nose down from setpoint).
*NOTE: Based on True Pitch
Current Boost
Extra current added to PID Loop, to be applied when accelerating when booster angle is reached (in relation to Setpoint). Can strengthen the board response at a desired specific angle when pushing the nose down.
Booster (Braking)
Start Angle
Angle (+/-) from which onward booster regen current is applied when braking, in relation to the setpoint.
*NOTE: Based on True Pitch
Ramp Up
Degrees over which brake-booster will ramp from 0A to the configured Regen Current, starting at Start Angle (i.e. Start Angle of 8° and Ramp Up of 4° means Brake Booster will begin at 8° nose up and strengthen to max current as the board angle approaches 12° nose up from setpoint).
*NOTE: Based on True Pitch
Current Boost
Extra current added to PID Loop, to be applied when braking when booster angle is reached (in relation to Setpoint). Can strengthen the braking intensity at a desired specific angle when raising the nose / lowering the tail.
Nose Angling
Constant Tiltback
Tiltback that will be applied above a configurable minimum ERPM. AKA Nose Angle adjustment, can be downwards (negative) too.
*Note: Should not be used to accomodate tilted rail angle! Instead, the IMU calibration should be adjusted accordingly, either manually or using the IMU Wizard. Otherwise, you will experience the opposite of the desired effect while riding backwards.
Contant Tiltback ERPM
ERPM (absolute value) above which Constant Tiltback will be applied.
*Note: ERPM = RPM * (Motor Poles / 2)
For an 11" Tire on a Hypercore Motor (30 Poles):
1000 ERPM ≈ 2.2 mph ≈ 3.5 km/h
Variable Tiltback Rate
Nose Angle adjustment that will be applied depending on speed, specified in degrees per 1000 ERPM, applied linearly as the rate at which you approach Variable Tiltback Maximum. Applies in addition to Constant Tiltback.
*Note: ERPM = RPM * (Motor Poles / 2)
For an 11" Tire on a Hypercore Motor (30 Poles):
1000 ERPM ≈ 2.2 mph ≈ 3.5 km/h
Variable Tiltback Maximum
Target Angle that Variable Tiltback approaches at the specified rate (Variable Tiltback Rate). Can be negative (nose down) as well. Added in addition to Constant Tiltback and does not affect or prevent alert tiltbacks.
Variable Tiltback Start ERPM
ERPM (absolute value) above which Variable Tiltback will begin to be applied.
*Note: ERPM = RPM * (Motor Poles / 2)
For an 11" Tire on a Hypercore Motor (30 Poles):
1000 ERPM ≈ 2.2 mph ≈ 3.5 km/h
Noseangling Speed
Maximum Rate at which nose will tilt to the desired angle during Constant and/or Variable Tiltback.
Torque Tiltback
How much Nose Lift should be applied based on output current (Postive / Acceleration Current Only!). Can be used alongside ATR to increase aggressiveness on flat and uphill acceleration, or on its own to ensure some uphill tiltback is applied in the absence of ATR.
Recommended Values: 0 - 0.35
Strength (Regen)
How much Nose Lowering should be applied based on output current (Negative / Regen Current Only!). Can be used alongside ATR to increase aggressiveness on flat and downhill braking, or on its own to ensure some downhill nose lowering is applied in the absence of ATR.
Recommended Values: 0 - 0.35
Start Current Threshold
Minimum output current threshold for Torque Tiltback to start applying.
Tiltback Angle Limit
Maximum angle to which Torque Tiltback will tilt.
Max Tiltback Speed
Max Rate at which Torque Tiltback will tilt to the desired angle (tilt will be slower if current increases slowly).
Max Tiltback Release Speed
Max Rate at which Torque Tiltback will release from the desired angle back to 0 (tilt will be slower if current decreases slowly).
Turn Tiltback
How much Tiltback should be applied based on turning radius (Yaw) and speed.
Tiltback Angle Limit
Maximum angle to which Turn Tiltback will tilt. This wont change the power curve, only stop it at the limit.
ERPM Threshhold
ERPM threshold to apply Turn Tiltback.
*Note: ERPM = RPM * (Motor Poles / 2)
For an 11" Tire on a Hypercore Motor (30 Poles):
1000 ERPM ≈ 2.2 mph ≈ 3.5 km/h
Max Tiltback Speed
Max Rate at which Turn Tiltback will tilt to the desired angle (tilt will be slower if Yaw Angle increases slowly).
Speed Boost %
Increases the strength based on ERPM. Boost percent is added linearly from 0 ERPM (0% boost) to Max ERPM (Full configured boost % is applied).
*Note: ERPM = RPM * (Motor Poles / 2)
For an 11" Tire on a Hypercore Motor (30 Poles):
1000 ERPM ≈ 2.2 mph ≈ 3.5 km/h
Speed Boost Max ERPM
ERPM (absolute value) to end boosting the Turn Tiltback effect. Above this ERPM, there will be constant boost % (at your configured boost %).
*Note: ERPM = RPM * (Motor Poles / 2)
For an 11" Tire on a Hypercore Motor (30 Poles):
1000 ERPM ≈ 2.2 mph ≈ 3.5 km/h
Turn Aggregate Target
The amount of turning (Yaw) required before reaching max carving strength. Higher values mean a turn must be maintained for longer in order to reach max carving strength.
Turn Aggregate Threshold
Minimum Yaw Angle threshold to apply Turn Tiltback. Similar to a deadzone, except after reaching the set angle, it will apply as if it started from 0.
Adaptive Torque Response
ATR Uphill Strength
How much Nose Lift should be applied based on ATR Response.
Rather than judging based purely on current like Torque Tiltback does, ATR (Adaptive Torque Response) determines its behavior based on a calculation of Acceleration Difference (Expected Acceleration - Measured Acceleration).
This can produce more consistent results for tilt response to uphills and downhills. It can also influence the overall ride feel, and can produce an appropriate stronger/weaker response for heavier/lighter riders, allowing riders of vastly different weights to effectively utilize the same PID tune and still experience similar behavior.
Recommended Values: 1.0 - 2.5 (Extreme!)
*Note: The values used for this parameter in previous firmware versions (5.3 ATR) are now scaled up 10x (i.e. a previous ATR Strength of 0.10, is now a strength of 1.0).
ATR Downhill Strength
How much Nose Lowering should be applied based on ATR Response.
Rather than judging based purely on current like Torque Tiltback does, ATR (Adaptive Torque Response) determines its behavior based on a calculation of Acceleration Difference (Expected Acceleration - Measured Acceleration).
This can produce more consistent results for tilt response to uphills and downhills. It can also influence the overall ride feel, and can produce an appropriate stronger/weaker response for heavier/lighter riders, allowing riders of vastly different weights to effectively utilize the same PID tune and still experience similar behavior.
Recommended Values: 1.0 - 2.5 (Extreme!)
*Note: The values used for this parameter in previous firmware versions (5.3 ATR) are now scaled up 10x (i.e. a previous ATR Strength of 0.10, is now a strength of 1.0).
Threshold Angle Up
Threshold angle for acceleration/uphills below which no setpoint change is triggered. This means that if the computed ATR angle is below this threshold the setpoint will not be changed, producing a more predictable behavior in mellow terrain.
Once the ATR target angle exceeds the threshold, setpoint changes will be produced.
Example: If the threshold is 2 and the computed ATR angle is 3 then a 1 degree setpoint adjustment will be performed.
Threshold Angle Down
Threshold angle for braking/downhills below which no setpoint change is triggered. This means that if the computed ATR angle is below this threshold the setpoint will not be changed, producing a more predictable behavior in mellow terrain.
Once the ATR target angle exceeds the threshold, setpoint changes will be produced.
Example: If the threshold is 2 and the computed ATR angle is 3 then a 1 degree setpoint adjustment will be performed.
Speed Boost
Increase in ATR response at higher speeds. Torque response at higher speed needs to be more intense; this lets you control that.
Nose Angling
Tiltback Angle Limit
Maximum angle to which ATR is permitted to tilt.
Max Tiltback Speed
Max Rate at which ATR will tilt to the desired angle.
Max Tiltback Release Speed
Max Rate at which ATR will release from the desired angle back to 0.
Max Tiltback Response Boost
React more quickly to ATR responses when at high speeds. When you're riding fast and ATR increases, then you also want it to respond faster. Boost is applied twice: at 2500 and 6000 ERPM.
*Note: ERPM = RPM * (Motor Poles / 2)
For an 11" Tire on a Hypercore Motor (30 Poles):
2500 ERPM ≈ 5.5 mph ≈ 9 km/h
6000 ERPM ≈ 13 mph ≈ 21 km/h
Tiltback Transition Boost
Release faster during transitions. When ATR reverses (dip or peak), the slow release speed can cause a long delay for the nose/tail to get back to normal. This should help resolve this.
Amps to Acceleration Ratio
Determines how to effectively calculate Expected Acceleration from amps. Higher values mean weaker response (lower Expected Acceleration).
*NOTE: NOT MEANT TO BE MESSED WITH! This value should be kept constant and not taken advantage of for tuning, as it is meant to be used to account for motor efficiency, not weight or other factors.
Recommended Hypercore Motor Value: 9
Recommended Values: 8-18
Amps to Decceleration Ratio
Determines how to effectively calculate Expected Deceleration (Braking) from amps. Higher values mean weaker response (lower Expected Acceleration).
*NOTE: NOT MEANT TO BE MESSED WITH! This value should be kept constant and not taken advantage of for tuning, as it is meant to be used to account for motor efficiency, not weight or other factors.
Recommended Hypercore Motor Value: 8
Recommended Values: 6-18
Current Filter
Biquad Low-pass Filter on the current used for calculating ATR. Setting a lower value here helps smooth out spikes in the current, and prevents ATR from being twitchy. Setting a high value here improves responsiveness, but can lead to overreacting ATR during normal acceleration.
Brake Tiltback
Brake Tilt Strength
Produce a slight noselift on braking to make clearing big obstacles easier (an attempt to mimic Mission behavior). 0 disables Brake Tiltback, 20 is max intensity.
Recommended Values: 7-10
Brake Tilt Lingering
How long it takes for Brake Tiltback to disappear; 1 is quick, 5 is real slow.
Recommended Value: 2
Remote Tiltback
Tiltback Angle Limit
Maximum angle to which Remote Tiltback will tilt. Determines the scaling of throttle-to-angle (i.e. Max Angle of 10° + 50% Throttle = 5° Tilt Angle).
Note: Pitch Axis Faults and Quickstop will be disabled when Remote Tilt Setpoint is beyond 30°, making it safe to use for Vert.
WARNING: Tilting the setpoint beyond the point of nose/tail dragging will cause the board to accelerate on its own (tail dragging forward). Additionally, a high maximum tilt angle can result in unintended nose/tail diving at speed when not used carefully. BE CAUTIOUS when using maximum angles beyond 20°!
Tiltback Speed
Rate at which Remote Tiltback will tilt to the desired angle.
Tiltback Smoothing Factor
Determines how much smoothing is added to Remote Tilt, such as when you start tilting and as you approach the target angle.
0 = No Smoothing
3 = Maximum Smoothing
Recommended Values: 1-2