Ace of Spades

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Ace of Spades is located in Arkansas and covers 0.17 miles.
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This trail has not been apart of any season.
Ace of Spades is part of the Wonderland Trail approximately 10 minutes north of Bentonville. 1/4 mile with 100ft descent. This is the trail with the iconic RV start. A short but super sweet fast downhill line. Fun and flowy with berms with a couple reversal grades. Stay left at the fork for a easy ride back to the RV. Race Ace of Spades, but stay to explore this amazing trail system. Check out Area 51, Through the Looking Glass and Mad Hatter
Start Point
Strat from inside the RV. The gate outside the left door 50 yards down trail in the open field
End Point
50 yards before the the trail fork the starts the uphill return. Be care not to over run it as the trail stops abruptly
Directions from Parking to Trail
Ride Skyline Ln back up 0.2 miles to find the trail on your right