Homestead & Eagle West

When you come to an intersection where one just heads to a sign and loops back, stay left. Don't go towards the sign, take the shortcut. Awesome ups and downs, few rocky bits (drop your PSI a little!), nice section through the bushes, little bush tunnel etc. Fun!






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Homestead & Eagle West is located in Twin Falls, Idaho and covers 0.49 miles.
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This trail has not been apart of any season.
When you come to an intersection where one just heads to a sign and loops back, stay left. Don't go towards the sign, take the shortcut. Awesome ups and downs, few rocky bits (drop your PSI a little!), nice section through the bushes, little bush tunnel etc. Fun!
Start Point
You start right next to the old homestead and don't take the loop to the right, go left.
End Point
End is when you hit the road that is made of dark gravel
Directions from Parking to Trail
Go turn around from the parking lot and head back the way you drove in, but take a left and go past the white fence into the trail area. Keep riding down the gravel road for a while until you see the next trail on your left, and another one a little further down on the right. Take the one on the right and continue until you see the old Homestead on your left, where the trail begins.