McCormick Main Loop

Rocklin, California
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McCormick Main Loop is located in Rocklin, California and covers 1.43 miles.
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Included in 2 season(s).
Mostly wide service road with ruts/chunk. When you get to the hill on the left hand turn, you take the rutted single track back onto the wide trail. Take the single track to the right on that trail into a more wooded area. When you get to the pump track, there are two single track trails to the left. One is lower than the other, take the on on the right (higher). Finish with a left hand turn (watch out for root), and through the dry creek bed.
Start Point
There is a guard rail on Whitney Ranch pkwy near the start of the trail, follow the short single track behind it. Trail starts at the creek on the wider trail.
End Point
At the end of the loop, go through the creek (must be dry), and go about 10 feet to finish route.
Directions from Parking to Trail
go up the road, turn right on whitney ranch. on the left there is a guard rail with a trail behind it.