Rusty Rotor

Farmington, Utah
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Rusty Rotor is located in Farmington, Utah and covers 0.37 miles.
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This trail has not been apart of any season.
Rusty Rotor was built with the true beginner in mind. The trail has great flow and a few tighter turns, which beginners can negotiate at slower speeds. This trail allows for party laps, by only requiring half the climb.
Start Point
On the right side of King's Flow, right past the cattle guard.
End Point
At the intersection of Low Gear
Directions from Parking to Trail
You can either take a dirt trail, "Rise Up", or ride the rest of the pavement. The dirt trail has a fair amount of switchbacks and will take you straight to King's Flow. The pavement is good for a breather. At the end of the pavement, turn right into the top lot. From there, you can ride "Farm Warm Up" or continue on the pavement.