Rampart Camp 31 EUC

Rampart Range Riding Area, Colorado
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Rampart Camp 31 EUC is located in Rampart Range Riding Area, Colorado and covers 0.88 miles.
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Included in 1 season(s).
This segment has flow, whoops, and a mix of uphill and downhill. There are several different routes to choose from and they are all fair game as long as you stay on trail 627. Be sure that when you save the segment, to save it under EUC as your vehicle. There are onewheel segments in the area and we don't want to screw up their segments. Be sure to save under Camp 31!
Start Point
Starts at the 627 sign across the road from camp 31 which is just a little ways past the Flat Rocks parking lot
End Point
The segment ends near a large tree on the left before the trail enters the parking lot of Flat Rocks
Directions from Parking to Trail
From Flat Rocks Parking Lot, head up the road until you see Camp 31 on your left. The segment starts at the 627 sign on the opposite side of the road