Defy Offroad - Clovis Old Town Trail

Clovis, California
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Defy Offroad - Clovis Old Town Trail is located in Clovis, California and covers 0.35 miles.
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This trail has not been apart of any season.
The Clovis Old Town Bike Path is 9.5 miles long. This Trail is a easy dirt single track section on the side the paved trail. Ride runs Northwest (towards Woodward Park). Enter the dirt trail on the left (South Side) after exiting the Villa tunnel. The trail runs along the bike path past Defy and ends before crossing Alluvial. Stay in the dirt and do not ride the paved bike trail.
Start Point
After the Villa Underpass
End Point
Before crossing Alluvial
Directions from Parking to Trail
The Clovis Old Town is 9.5 miles long. This trail is a small section along the trail. Enter the Old Town trail anywhere.