Middle Run Pro Challenge is located in Milford Meadows, Delaware and covers 0.58 miles.
This trail has not been apart of any season.
This is a very difficult, challenging, pro course that can cause you to twist and ankle or worse. The trail starts with a very difficult U shaped field run, followed by a log feature (mandatory to take the feature), then another U shaped field section, followed by a loose, chonky descent down a steep hill with a cliff on the left. This is a Pro trail and is not part of the surrounding Endurro series. This trail should not be included in any Seasons except possibly as an add-on or special assignment.
As you enter the small tree line between two fields
As you finish up the downhill and just before the trail forks in two directions
Directions from Parking to Trail
Follow Enduro Legs 1, 2, and 3 to take you to the start