DAL Northshore Endurance Run

Flower Mound, Texas
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DAL Northshore Endurance Run is located in Flower Mound, Texas and covers 3.47 miles.
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Included in 3 season(s).
This trail is torturous. The hardest and most grueling trail in the 23 season. Jeff Adair got to pick this track because he won last year. Do you have what it takes to dethrone him? A technical and rocky trail of medium to hard level difficulty. Red dirt, rocks, single track trail with plenty of berms and roots, drops and climbs. SIGHT LAPS NECESSARY!!!
Start Point
Starting by the road in Murrell Park at the trail sign for Lop 1
End Point
Ending back at the road after completing the whole loop.
Directions from Parking to Trail
Near the park entry, there are two parallel roads with two benches and a water station. This is the starting point for both Northshore trails in this season.